I teach and write about medieval English literature. My research focuses on meter and poetics (what makes poetry tick). My first book is English Alliterative Verse: Poetic Tradition and Literary History (Cambridge University Press, 2016), which won the English Association Beatrice White Prize in 2018. With Alastair Bennett and Katharine Breen, I edit the Yearbook of Langland Studies. My writing on culture and politics appears in Newsweek, The Atlantic, the Chronicle of Higher Education, the Times Literary Supplement, and elsewhere. See https://www.ericweiskott.com/public/. At Boston College, I teach in the fields of medieval literature and poetics: usually both at once. In collaboration with my students, I am building an interactive digital map of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. See https://mediakron.bc.edu/mappingchaucer/. I am also a poet, and my poems appear in several print and digital journals.
The Shapes of Early English Poetry: Style, Form, History
Medieval Institute Publications | forthcoming
English Alliterative Verse: Poetic Tradition and Literary History
Cambridge University Press | 2016
Eric Weiskott is reading
Discipline and Punish
by Michel Foucault | 01.12.2017