Queer Environmentalities


How can queer theory and ecocriticism inform each other? And why should they?

The Post-Human Spirit of the Neopagan Movement
Dennis Denisoff
Authors such as A. E. Benson, Edward Carpenter, Aleister Crowley, and Michael Field explored the place of the humanist individual in a nature-centred belief system that stands in opposition not only to scientific materialism, but also to the industrialism and consumerism of the age. In so doing, they offered an early queer formulation of what today might be recognized as a post-human eco-spirituality.
Intimate Atmospheres: Queer Theory in a Time of Extinctions
Neel Ahuja
This essay explores representations of parasitism and crisis in queer theory and public climate discourse in order to situate queer critiques of reproduction in the context of neoliberalism's ongoing carbon-driven extinctions.
The Vanity of Ecology: Expenditure in Montaigne’s Vision of the New World
Pauline Goul
The Renaissance humanist authors who seem to be at odds with ecocriticism’s professed turn to the natural world – in this study, Michel de Montaigne – exhibit, in fact, a certain form of environmental awareness in their work. They index humanism’s shifting relationship to the environment in ways that have shaped our own ecological consciousness.
Queer Fallout: Samuel R. Delany and the Ecology of Cruising
Sarah Ensor

In the final paragraph of his 2002 essay “Sociability and Cruising,” Leo Bersani concludes his discussion of impersonal intimacy and promiscuous attachments with an unexpected turn to ecology: “Let’s call this [ethical model predicated on ascetic practices] an ecological ethics,” he suggests, “one...

Monstrous Relationalities: The Horrors of Queer Eroticism and 'Thingness' in Alan Moore and Stephen Bissette's Swamp Thing
Robin A. McDonald
Dan Vena

In this essay, we suggest that this new conceptualization of Swamp Thing re-positions the creature as a thing; an obdurate entity that does not easily adhere to rigid classifications of ‘human’ or ‘plant,’ of ‘animate’ or ‘inanimate,’ of ‘original’ or ‘copy’ (even if characters within the comic text may argue otherwise).

Desiring Species with Darwin and Freud
Robert Azzarello
What does desire mean for Darwin and then for Freud? How do they understand the capacity to desire across species lines? and, What ethical quandaries result?

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