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292 p.: ill.; 24 cm.
It may be the most famous dirty joke in Shakespeare. As he banters with Ophelia before the performance of The Mousetrap, in a passage that varies slightly but importantly between Q2 and F, Hamlet asks:
Ham. Lady shall I lie in your lap?
Ophe. No my Lord.
Ham. Doe you thinke I meant country matters? (Q2, sig. H1r)
Ham. Ladie, shall I lye in your Lap?
Ophe. No my Lord.
Ham. I meane, my Head vpon your Lap?
Ophe. I my Lord.
Ham. Do you thinke I meant Country matters? (F, sig. 2o6r)
For the first century of Shakespearean editing, from Rowe in 1709 through Boswell in 1821, editors had only these two versions of the joke. When Bunbury discovered his copy of Q1, however, a more radical variant suddenly appeared.
Ham. . . . Lady will you giue me leaue, and so forth:
To lay my head in your lappe?
Ofel. No my Lord.
Ham. Vpon your lap, what do you thinke I meant contrary matters?
(Q1, sig. F3r)
As we have seen, newspapers and literary reviews in England and abroad reacted energetically to the discovery of a new text of Hamlet, and even in short notices they focused particular attention on the variation between country matters and contrary matters. In this chapter, I move from considering the impact of the belated discovery of Q1 on broader theories of Shakespearean authorship to its effect on readings of the text of the play itself. Here I examine the earliest responses to Q1, all of which dealt in one way or another with this particular variant. These reactions preceded the debate between Knight and Collier that set the terms for much of the Victorian engagement with that text, and they therefore deal with questions of authorship and revision from a more multifarious perspective. Indeed, their responses hinge at least as much on issues of propriety as of bibliography or textual criticism—even in the first edition of Shakespeare to address the newly discovered text, the bookseller-turned-editor Samuel Weller Singer’s Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare (1826). Singer was the earliest editor to emend the traditional text of Hamlet with a reading from Q1, and the rationale behind his decision to print contrary matters both exemplifies the initial reaction to this variant and reveals how the discovery of Q1 helped to entrench a particular reading of the familiar country matters, one that remains universally accepted among modern editors and critics.
In January, 1825, the Literary Gazette commended its readers’ attention to “one striking word in the Play Scene, which removes a phrase that has been much objected to,” quoting the Q1 passage and italicizing the key word contrary.[1] This article was probably the most important account of Q1 in the popular press, since it was rapidly reprinted in numerous papers—including the Morning Chronicle, the Kaleidoscope, the Circulator of Useful Knowledge, and, reaching across the Atlantic, the United States Literary Gazette.[2] The textual variant in this line thereby became one of the best-known attributes of Q1 shortly after the edition’s discovery, even before Payne and Foss’s reprint.
An article in the Kaleidoscope suggests some of the reasoning behind the interest in this variant: “When [Q1] omits passages which reflect no credit on the understanding of their author, we are anxious to believe that it is more faithful to the text of such a man as Shakespeare, than those copies are which impute to him obscenity, without even the apology of wit.”[3] The Gentleman’s Magazine explained more precisely how this new variant might be “more faithful” to Shakespeare’s intentions. It built a remarkable theory of dramatic authorship on the alteration of this passage and on the omission in Q1 of the subsequent exchange, in which Hamlet tells Ophelia that “Nothing” is “a fayre thought to lye between maydes legs” (Q2, sig. H1r):
Many striking peculiarities in this edition of Hamlet tend strongly to confirm the opinion that no small portion of the ribaldry to be found in the plays of our great dramatic poet, is to be assigned to the actors of his time, who flattered the vulgar taste, and administered to the vicious propensities of their age, by the introduction and constant repetition of many indecent, and not a few stupid jokes, till they came to be considered and then printed as part of the genuine text. Of these the two or three brief but offensive speeches of Hamlet to Ophelia, in the Play Scene, Act iii. are not to be found in the copy of 1603, and so far we are borne out in our opinion; for it is not to be supposed that Shakespeare would insert them upon cool reflection, and three years after the success of his piece had been determined; still less likely is it that a piratical printer would reject any thing actually belonging to the play, which was pleasing to the great bulk of those who were to become the purchasers of his publication.[4]
Here the New Bibliographic theory of memorial reconstruction is turned on its head. All of the familiar pieces are present: actors’ elaborations, piratical publishers, an appeal to less sophisticated playgoers (and readers). But these elements appear in a strangely inverted form, demonstrating that it is Q1, not Q2 or F, that brings us closest to Shakespeare’s manuscript. In reactions like this one, we can see how deeply the uncanny historicity of Q1 has affected readings of its text. The common thread in virtually all of the early responses to this passage—taken to the extreme by the author in the Gentleman’s Magazine—is relief at the absence of the vulgar phrase in what was largely imagined to be Shakespeare’s original draft.[5]
This dialectic continues to haunt our analyses of country/contrary matters. Like these early readers of Q1, modern editors and critics have in general simply assumed they know that country matters is obscene and always has been. As Neil Taylor and Ann Thompson have demonstrated, Hamlet’s line has long caused problems for editors, readers, and performers, who have subjected country matters to a variety of cuts, bowdlerizations, and coy glosses over the years.[7] But while critics and editors often cannot bring themselves to make it explicit, they all seem to agree that we get the joke. In his influential Arden edition, Harold Jenkins glosses country matters as “physical love-making (with a popular pun on the first syllable).” The note is indirect not only in refusing to name the pun but also in its unclear usage of popular: Was this a widespread pun? A pun that was greatly enjoyed? One used by the lower classes? In fact, Jenkins seems to be using the word mainly to distance himself and his readers from the vulgarity. G. R. Hibbard follows a similar formula in his Oxford edition: “Sexual intercourse (quibbling indecently on the first syllable of country).” David Bevington’s gloss is virtually identical: “Sexual intercourse. (With a bawdy pun on the first syllable of country).”[8]
Such a double entendre is certainly possible here. The word cunt was well established in the lexicon by Shakespeare’s day: the earliest reference in the Oxford English Dictionary is to a London street in existence around 1230 called “Gropecunt Lane,” probably a red-light district.
The increasingly taboo nature of the word is often said to have driven writers to punning glances at it, and the country of Hamlet’s phrase features prominently in such claims.[17] Numerous contemporary parallels have been suggested, including other possible Shakespearean instances. Williams connects the phrase with Touchstone’s reference to the rural couples in As You Like It as “country copulatives,” and with Donne’s “The Good-Morrow,” lines that editors often pair with Hamlet’s: “I wonder, by my troth, what thou and I / Did, till we lov’d; were we not wean’d till then? / But suck’d on country pleasures, childishly?”[18]
Take George Chapman’s continuation of Marlowe’s Hero and Leander, for instance, in which Leander is satirically compared to “an emptie Gallant full of forme.” Chapman writes that he “Hath seene the hot Low Countries, not their heat.” A. R. Braunmuller may have been thinking of Hamlet when he glossed the line as meaning that the gallant “has lived riotously in the Low Countries without suffering from venereal disease,” and suggested that “Chapman may have had in mind the common pun on ‘low countries.’”[21] Certainly Shakespeare could pun on the “lowness” of the Low Countries. In Comedy of Errors, the Syracusan Dromio famously describes the body of Nell the kitchen maid in an extended geographical metaphor. At the end of the exchange, Antipholus asks “Where stood Belgia, the Netherlands?” and Dromio replies: “Oh sir, I did not looke so low” (F, sig. H4v). And yet, the same problem obtains, since we do not know whether Chapman’s “Low Countries” includes a specific pun on cunt or merely a reference to the lower parts of the female body. In Errors Shakespeare does not use the word countries at all: a reference to female genitalia could be conveyed simply by referring to the Netherlands. Perhaps Chapman’s “Low Countries” is simply another example of this sort of reference, without the syllabic pun.
In all these cases, with a bit of critical ingenuity one could certainly read a pun in country, and some readers in the early modern period may well have done so, but there is little inherent in their contexts that demands such a reading. There is, however, at least one instance in the early modern period in which country clearly and overtly carries a pun on cunt. In an anonymous Restoration burlesque, entitled Homer Alamode, the Second Part, we read a description of Calypso,
who put off Boddis
And Petticoat, nay, and fine Smock,
And there she shew’d her dainty Nock,
Plump Buttocks, Breasts, and trembling Thighs,
With many other Rarities.
And so did Circe; but I swore,
Still sight of Count--ry pleas’d me more:
And rather chose to leave them both
Than Ithaca, I’ll take my Oath. . . .
In this pornographic passage, the pun in “Count--ry” seems clear, since that word punningly looks back to the description of Calypso and Circe’s naked bodies, and forward to Ithaca, emphasizing Odysseus’s choice to return home rather than indulge in sexual pleasure. In this case, however, the reader’s attention is drawn to the pun by the typography, which sets off the initial syllable with dashes.
The use of the typographic cue in Homer Alamode, in other words, indicates not simply that a pun on cunt could be gotten across in country but, more important for my argument, that the pun had to be gotten across to the reader or audience. It was not simply always present in the word but had to be made present.
Nonetheless, a sexual reference in Hamlet’s words would certainly be in keeping with the continuation of the exchange in Q2 and F: the part of the passage that does not appear at all in Q1, to the relief of the Gentleman’s Magazine. Here Hamlet makes a far more explicit reference to genitalia, although whether male or female is debatable:
Ham. Do you thinke I meant Country matters?
Ophe. I thinke nothing, my Lord.
Ham. That’s a faire thought to lye between Maids legs
Ophe. What is my Lord?
Ham. Nothing. (F, sig. 2o6r)
As Thompson and Taylor note, “‘Thing’ could be a euphemism for a man’s penis; alternatively nothing (the figure nought) could refer to a woman’s vagina.”[23] In either case, the double entendre seems certain, given the clear reference to what lies “between maids’ legs.” We might read the lines as encompassing Hamlet’s typically double perspective: it is a “fair thought” both that “no thing”—no penis—will lie “between maids’ legs,” thereby ensuring their chastity; and, with his usual misogynistic sarcasm falling heavily on the word fair, that “nothing”—a vagina—lies “between maids’ legs,” thereby ensuring their wantonness. Indeed, the entire passage as it stands in Q2 and F lends itself to numerous possible sexual puns, not only these but also head and lap and even possibly Ophelia’s I / ay / eye, which (in other contexts, though not usually this one) is often glossed as carrying a pun on vagina, and occasionally on penis as well.[24]
The sexual banter of the passage as a whole has thus cemented editors’ belief in a specific pun on cunt in country matters. Clearly country matters refers generally to sex, imagined to be more freely available and vigorously practiced in rural areas, but does that reference necessarily involve the pun that editors have found in its first syllable? In fact, editors and other readers have not always “known” that the line contained any pun at all, and our own contemporary assurance that we do has blinded us to other possibilities and other histories in this passage—just as it did for the earliest readers of the alternate version in Q1. The genealogy of this particular variant, shaped by the uncanny history of Q1, can therefore illuminate larger issues in how we understand Shakespeare’s texts and make that understanding widely available, or inevitable, in editions of those texts.
Underlying the editorial certainty about country matters is a largely unexamined idea of glossing. Editorial annotation has been little theorized, especially when compared to the large amount of scholarship devoted to how to edit the text itself. Most contemporary editions of Shakespeare make do with a brief prefatory mention of their principles of glossing, such as Bevington’s statement that he has “aimed at explaining difficult passages, not just single words, keeping in mind the questions that readers might ask as to possible meanings.”[25] The question left unaddressed here, as Ian Small has written generally of the practice of annotation, is precisely “the one which motivates [the] whole rationale for annotation—namely, what constitutes the understanding of a literary work.”[26] For the plays that Bevington is annotating, exactly where do those “possible meanings” reside: In the text itself? In the author’s intention? In the minds of the plays’ first spectators? In current performance practice?
Overwhelmingly, however unexpressed it may be, editors of Shakespeare rely on a historicist conception of meaning that attempts to bridge the gap between what words and allusions meant then and what the reader might not understand now. As Martin Battestin, one of the few theorists of glossing, has written: “The editor in annotating a work intends to make the meaning of the text more intelligible to the reader, on the one hand by recovering for him certain information . . . once known to the author’s contemporaries but now obscure, and on the other hand by placing the author’s ideas and expressions in the context of his own writings and those of his contemporaries.”[27]
Frequently cited Shakespeare editions
These editions, cited in notes by the following abbreviations, are listed chronologically. For multi-volume works, I use the format “volume.page” or, if a volume contains multiple parts, “volume.part.page.” If the volumes have multiple imprint dates, the abbreviation takes the date of the volume containing Hamlet. If the edition appears in Murphy, Shakespeare in Print, I provide the reference number.
Theobald 1733 | Theobald, Lewis, ed. The Works of Shakespeare. 7 vols. London: A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. Tonson, F. Clay, W. Feales, and R. Wellington, 1733. Murphy §206.
Steevens 1773 | Steevens, George, with Samuel Johnson, eds. The Plays of William Shakespeare. 10 vols. London: C. Bathurst et al., 1773. Murphy §332.
Steevens 1778 | Steevens, George, with Samuel Johnson and Isaac Reed, eds. The Plays of William Shakespeare. 10 vols. and 2 supplementary vols. London: C. Bathurst et al., 1778-80. Murphy §343-44.
Johnson 1765 | Johnson, Samuel, ed. The Plays of William Shakespeare. 8 vols. London: J. and P. Knapton et al., 1747. Murphy §283.
Malone 1790 | Malone, Edmond, ed. The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare. 10 vols. London: J. Rivington and Sons et al., 1790. Murphy §357.
Boswell 1821 | Boswell, James, ed. The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare. 21 vols. London: F.C. and J. Rivington et al., 1821. Murphy §470.
Caldecott 1819 | Caldecott, Thomas, ed. Hamlet and As You Like It. A Specimen of an Edition of Shakespeare. London: John Murray, 1819. Murphy §456. Irregularly paginated: I cite the “text of Hamlet” or “notes to Hamlet.”
Singer 1826 | Singer, Samuel Weller, ed. The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. 10 vols. Chiswick: Charles Whittingham, 1826. Murphy §478.
Jenkins | Jenkins, Harold, ed. Hamlet. Arden Shakespeare. London: Methuen, 1982. Murphy §1339.
Hibbard | Hibbard, G.R., ed. Hamlet. Oxford Shakespeare. Oxford: Clarendon, 1987. Murphy §1533.
Bevington | Bevington, David, ed. The Complete Works of Shakespeare. 5th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2004.
Edwards | Edwards, Philip, ed. Hamlet. New Cambridge Shakespeare. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985. Murphy §1568.
Norton | Greenblatt, Stephen, Walter Cohen, Jean E. Howard, and Katharine Eisaman Maus, eds. The Norton Shakespeare: Based on the Oxford Edition. New York: Norton, 1997. Murphy §1706.
Thompson-Taylor Q2 | Thompson, Ann, and Neil Taylor, eds. Hamlet. Arden Shakespeare. London: Arden Shakespeare, 2006.
Thompson-Taylor Q1/F | Thompson, Ann, and Neil Taylor, eds. Hamlet: The Texts of 1603 and 1623. Arden Shakespeare. London: Arden Shakespeare, 2006.
[1] “Hamlet,” Literary, 59.
[2] “Hamlet,” Morning, 3; “Shakespeare,” Kaleidoscope (1 February 1825), 260-62; “Shakespeare,” Circulator, 79-80, in truncated form; “Recovered,” United (1 May 1825).
[3] “Shakespeare,” Kaleidoscope (25 January 1825), 254.
[4] “Literary,” Gentleman’s, 69. A similar, but not verbatim, article appeared as “Shakspeare,” Circulator, 60. These early responses probably underlie a later instance from 1875 recounted in Taylor and Thompson, “Obscenity,” 491.
[5] See also Boaden, Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons, 2.208: Hamlet “ought to have placed some guard upon his fancy when he forces a conversation with Ophelia; Hamlet is gross, at least in the original play” (2.208).
[6] Foucault, History.
[7] Taylor and Thompson, “Obscenity.”
[8] Jenkins, 295; Hibbard, 254; Bevington, 1122.
[9] Taylor and Thompson, “Obscenity,” 493-97.
[10] See also Orgel and Braunmuller, eds., Complete, 1368: “rustic (with a bawdy pun on the first syllable: ‘cunt-ry’).”
[11] Thompson-Taylor Q1/F, 117; Thompson-Taylor Q2, 305; Norton, 1710.
[12] See “cunt, n.,” Oxford English Dictionary, online edition, 1.
[13] “cunt, n.,” Oxford English Dictionary, online edition, 1. I have followed the Middle English Dictionary in altering “cunnig” to “cunni[n]g.”
[14] So the Oxford English Dictionary (online edition) surmises in its etymological note on “quaint, n.1”: “either punningly after CUNT n. or as a euphemistic substitution for that word.”
[15] On this question, see the debate among Benson, “Queynte”; Fleming, “Quaint”; and Delany, “Anatomy.” Dane argues against a pun in “Queynte”; as does Knapp, Time-Bound, 136.
[16] “Cunt,” in Williams, Dictionary, 1.352, italics substituted for boldface; Florio, Worlde, sig. 2A6v.
[17] See Knapp, Time-Bound, 139; and Williams, Shakespeare’s, 87-88: such puns result from a “taboo evaded by disguise,” and “dramatists smuggle [the word’ in by such devices.” See also Sheidlower, F Word, xii-xiii: “The demand for bawdy humor meant that in the past, as now, writers found ways to use certain words even if such words were prohibited by social conventions”; the example of country matters follows.
[18] “Country,” in Williams, Dictionary, 1.316-17. On As You Like It, see also Knapp, Time-Bound, 140. On Donne’s usage, see Redpath, ed., Songs, lines quoted from 227, reference to Hamlet at 229; Braden, ed., Sixteenth-Century, 526.
[19] Sidney, Arcadia, sigs. Q1r; Knapp, Time-Bound, 140.
[20] Knapp, Time-Bound, 203n4.
[21] Marlowe and Chapman, Hero, sig. N1v; Braunmuller, “Hot,” 99.
[22] I am grateful to Kristen Poole for alerting me to the Marprelate reference (Marprelate, Oh, sig. G1r); for the Essex letter, see Doughtie, “Earl,” 356.
[23] Thompson-Taylor Q2, 305.
[24] On eye, see Williams, Dictionary, 1.453-56; Partridge,Shakespeare’s, 130-31; Maguire, “Feminist,” 70.
[25] Bevington, vii. See Cordner’s comment that “editors themselves generally remain silent about the principles or preferences that shape their style of annotation” (“Actors,” 181). For a salient exception, see Hunter, “Social.”
[26] Small, “Editor,” 189.
[27] Battestin, “Rationale,” 8. See also Walker, “Principles.”
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Shakespeare and Cervantes Then and Now
Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare, ages 68 and 52 respectively, died on this date. One of them covered the peninsular and Mediterranean world of his time as a chamberlain and soldier, while the other moved between his native town and the capital, only a hundred miles apart. One tried most of the avenues open to a young man of precarious social status (and perhaps converso lineage), while the other settled into a routine and increasingly prosperous existence in a new industry.
While Cervantes was older, he and Shakespeare belonged to a single generation of thinkers and writers born in the years around 1550: this was a group (including Félix Lope de Vega in Spain and Edmund Spenser and Philip Sidney in England) for whom the religious divisions of the early Renaissance were a settled fact, who enjoyed the power of their vernacular languages, and who saw literary genres without classical precedents arise to represent their world. By the mid-century moment in which Cervantes and Shakespeare were born, the Renaissance is a conscious period with several phases in its past, generational differences, and at least one major episode yet to be written in the seventeenth century, to which both writers will contribute in the late phase of their careers.
What ended on April 23, 1616, and what began? This Colloquy gathers current work, formal and informal, on both figures, together and apart. (Even the items that treat Shakespeare or Cervantes alone are chosen to suggest new ways of thinking about the other.) Thomas Pavel discusses Shakespeare's lost play Cardenio, which was almost certainly based on Don Quixote. Books by Jeffrey Masten and Zachary Lesser, excerpted here, represent the turn in Shakespeare studies toward a discursive philology grounded in textual particulars. A post by our longstanding blogger William Egginton, drawn from his book of 2016 titled The Man Who Invented Fiction, addresses the durable topic of how Cervantes built characters. Alexander Samson's article on James Mabbe's translation of the Exemplary Novels, which first appeared in Republics of Letters in 2015, revisits the question of what seventeenth-century English adaptations took from Cervantes and redirects our attention to Mabbe's work as an "intercultural agent." Several of Arcade's contributing bloggers of past years—Timothy Hampton, Ruth Kaplan, and Ricardo Padrón—are represented by their observations out of reading and teaching. My lecture to the audience of Humanities West, a San Francisco institution that promotes the public humanities, is intended to introduce the relation between Shakespeare and Cervantes in a somewhat provocative spirit. A more recent lecture to the School of Advanced Study at the University of London further develops the generational connection between these makers of worlds.
Consider this Colloquy an invitation to think at once about these two figures, and perhaps to contribute your own work or comment.