Special Issue Editor:
Jenny Heijun Wills and David Palumbo-Liu
Volume 12
June 14, 2018
Editors' Introduction to Special Issue of Occasion, "Biologism"
Jenny Heijun Wills
Black, Red, and Yellow: Cross-Racial Coalitions and Conflicts in the Early African American Scientific Imagination
Christine Yao
The Politics of Blood in Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s Dictée
Richard Snyder
Lively Scripts: Biological Determinism and Cybernetic Coding in Giles Goat-Boy or, The Revised New Syllabus
Lee Brewster Norton
Forbidden Relations: South Korean Incest Dramas and the Crisis of Interrupted Kinship
Sandra So hee Chi Kim
Héctor Hoyos
Managing Editor:
Adin Walker
PDF design:
Jason Miranda
Occasion is thus named both to signal the “event” of the convening and publication of a set of papers on a specific topic in interdisciplinary humanities, and to prompt—“to occasion”— such collaboration and exploration. With the aid of a distinguished editorial board, we publish special issues on timely and critical topics.
ISSN: 2159-1903