The Post-Soviet is Over: On Reading the Ruins
Kevin M. F. Platt
A Sketch Map of a Lost Continent: The Republic of Letters
Anthony Grafton
The Ancient Constitution and the Genealogist: Momigliano, Pocock, and Peiresc’s Origines Murensis Monasterii (1618)
Peter Miller
Jean-Baptiste Colbert’s Republic of Letters
Jacob Soll
The Nature of Early Eighteenth-Century Religious Radicalism
Margaret Jacob
Digging for Antiquities with Diplomats: Gisbert Cuper (1644-1716) and his Social Capital
Bianca Chen
Founding a Scientific Academy: Gender, Patronage and Knowledge in Early Eighteenth-Century Milan
Paula Findlen
The Kingdom of Politesse: Salons and the Republic of Letters in Eighteenth-Century Paris
Antoine Lilti
Humanism, l’Esprit Philosophique, and the Encyclopédie
Dan Edelstein