"Dance Therapy, Creativity, and Self-Care": Workshop with Dr. Irene Serlin

This is an Archive of a Past Event

Dr. Ilene Serlin is a clinical psychologist and registered dance/movement therapist. She is the founder and Director of Union Street Health Associates and the Arts Medicine Program at California Pacific Medical Center. She is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Past President and Council Representative of the Division of Humanistic Psychology of the American Psychological Association, on the Editorial Boards of the Arts in Psychotherapy, the American Journal of Dance Therapy, and the Journal of Humanistic Psychology, and has taught and published widely in the US and abroad.

The Mind, Body, and Culture Workshop brings together scholars, doctors, and activists to discuss their work on collective trauma and healing and provides a dynamic and interactive venue where they can grapple iwth a wide range of issues pertinent to the field.