Projects Stanford Humanities Review: An Annual Journal of Research and Reflection by contributors to Arcade Journal The Edinburgh Companion to Women in Publishing, 1900–2020 by Alice Staveley (SHC Fellow '21) L' Ebola, les bombes et les migrants by Joanne Liu (Bliss Carnochan International Visitor, '20) A World Made by Travel: The Digital Grand Tour by Giovanna Ceserani, Director, CESTA Research Project Shakespeare, Elizabeth and Ivan: The Role of English-Russian Relations in "Love’s Labours Lost" by Rima Greenhill (SHC Fellow '20) Empire of Refugees: North Caucasian Muslims and the Late Ottoman State by Vladimir Hamed-Troyansky (SHC Fellow '24) Countering Dispossession, Reclaiming Land: A Social Movement Ethnography by David Gilbert (SHC Fellow '18) Before the Movement: The Hidden History of Black Civil Rights by Dylan Penningroth (SHC Fellow '14) A Certain Justice: Toward an Ecology of the Chinese Legal Imagination by Haiyan Lee (SHC Fellow '20) Load More