Orit Bashkin

Marta Sutton Weeks External Fellow
Department of History, University of Chicago

Orit Bashkin is a professor at the University of Chicago who studies the intellectual, social and cultural history of the modern Middle East. She received her PhD from Princeton University (2004), and her BA (1995) and MA (1999) from Tel Aviv University. Her books, articles, and essays explore Iraqi history, the history of Iraqi Jews, Arab cultural revival movements, Jewish history, memory studies, and the connections between modern history and literature.

SHC Project

Historical Wonders: Jewish Jihads and Jewish Miracles in the Ottoman Empire

Publications and Projects


Impossible Exodus: Iraqi Jews in Israel

New Babylonians: A History of Jews in Modern Iraq

The Other Iraq: Pluralism and Culture in Hashemite Iraq

Edited Volumes:

Jews and Journeys: Travel and the Performance of Jewish Identity, co-edited with Joshua Levinson

Civilizing Emotions: Concepts in Nineteenth Century Asia and Europe, co-edited with Margrit Pernau, Helge Jordheim, et al.

Recent Articles and essays:

“The Return of Modernity: Postcolonialism and the New Historiography of Jews from the Levant and Egypt.” In Unacknowledged Kinships: Postcolonial Studies and the Historiography of Zionism, edited by Stefan Vogt, Derek J. Penslar, and Arieh Saposnik, 187–214. Brandeis University Press, 2023.

"Arab Jews: History, Memory, and Literary Identities in the Nahḍah." Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature. Retrieved 17 May. 2023.

"The Fruit of the Arts and the Mob: Global Minorities during the Dreyfus Affair." Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 41, no. 3 (2021): 404-412.

“UNFORGETTABLE RADICALISM: AL-ITTIHAD’S WORDS IN HEBREW NOVELS.” In The Arab Lefts: Histories and Legacies, 1950s–1970s, edited by Laure Guirguis, 18–38. Edinburgh University Press, 2020.

“On Eastern Cultures: Transregionalism and Multilingualism in Iraq, 1910–38.” In Migrating Texts: Circulating Translations around the Ottoman Mediterranean, edited by Marilyn Booth, 122–48. Edinburgh University Press, 2019.

Orti Bashkin

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