Roanne Kantor

Internal Faculty Fellow
Department of English, Stanford University

Roanne L. Kantor is Assistant Professor of English at Stanford University. Her book, South Asian Writers, Latin American Literature, and the Rise of Global English was published in 2022 in the Studies in World Literature Series at Cambridge University Press. It was awarded the ACLA Helen Tartar First Book Subvention Prize in 2021 and short-listed for the Edward Cameron Dimock, Jr. Prize in the Indian Humanities. Her translations have been honored by the Susan Sontag prize for Translation and performed at the Old Globe Theatre in San Diego.

SHC Project

Figures of Suspicion: Anthropology, Literature, and the Voice of the Local in Global Anglophone Fiction

Publications and Projects

Kantor's first book: South Asian Writers, Latin American Literature, and the Rise of Global English; Discussion of the book on New Books Network. The edited volume where some preliminary work on figures was published: Indian Sound Cultures, Indian Sound Citizenship.

Roanne Kantor