Please join us for the first meeting of the Critical Carceral Studies Collective, a new Stanford Humanities Center Research Workshop, on Wednesday October 11, from 12:00-1:30 PM in the Stanford Humanities Center Boardroom and on Zoom.
The Critical Carceral Studies Collective brings together graduate students and faculty at Stanford who are committed to researching transnational formations of the carceral state and its entanglements in histories of slavery, settler colonialism, and empire. An interdisciplinary community of scholars invested in the study and abolition of prisons, criminalization, policing, and other carceral mechanisms of state power, the Critical Carceral Studies Collective is a hub at Stanford for conversations and research about carcerality. Graduate students and faculty alike share research with each other, read new and foundational texts in the field together, and host carceral studies scholars and abolitionist organizers at Stanford while supporting communities of currently and formerly incarcerated people in the Bay Area.
Our first meeting will be an informal gathering where we’ll set intentions, generate ideas, and share plans for the coming year.