Harvard historian Vincent Brown will be presenting on two work-in-progress documentary projects, both connected to the stories he uncovered in his hit 2020 book Tacky's Revolt: The Story of an Atlantic Slave War. "How Do You Remember the Days of Slavery?" explores Brown's journey to Jamaica to become involved in the commemoration of a holiday that canonizes one of the leaders of the uprising. "Contested Histories" explores Brown's involvement in heated transnational debates over how we remember our past.
About the Speaker
Vincent Brown is Charles Warren Professor of American History and Professor of African and African American Studies at Harvard University. He teaches courses in Atlantic history, African diaspora studies, and the history of slavery in the Americas. Brown is the author of The Reaper's Garden: Death and Power in the World of Atlantic Slavery (Harvard University Press, 2008) and Tacky's Revolt: The Story of an Atlantic Slave War (Belknap Press, 2020), and he is producer of Herskovits at the Heart of Blackness (2009), an audiovisual documentary broadcast on the PBS series Independent Lens, and the short video series The Bigger Picture (2022) for PBS Digital Studios.
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