Black & Otherwise Geographies

Claire and John Radway Research Workshop

Sponsored by the Stanford Humanities Center and made possible by support from Claire and John Radway, the Mellon Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities


The Black and Otherwise Geographies workshop offers a generative and timely intervention of geographical theory and methods into the Stanford intellectual landscape. With a capacious notion of what renders a thing geographic, this workshop aims to facilitate multi-lateral learning across graduate students, faculty, and their respective fields by prompting a more serious engagement with counter-hegemonic geographic knowledge while simultaneously pushing Geography to be more attendant to the mechanisms of racialized production of space. Participants in this workshop will engage in collective foundational reading, invited speaker series, a book manuscript workshop, and build an intellectual community by presenting original scholarship at varying stages of completion. By calling attention to how the production of space in and beyond the boundaries of our disciplinary fields shape the world(s) we live in, we hope to analyze how the production of space is harmfully interrelated with processes of differentiation, carcerality, and dehumanization.

Image credit: Artist Tania Guerra


Faculty Workshop Co-Chairs
Graduate Student Co-Chairs
Meeting Schedule