Writing the Life Process

This workshop centers the life process, focusing on both an attunement to the life-cycle and to the depth and possibilities of the intergenerational, with special attention to the challenges and contingencies of writing the life process. Starting with death, remembrance, and mourning, moving then to sex, desire, and attachment, and finally to making community, we invite speakers and hold events that bring attention to the life-process in the research of participants. The workshop bridges the humanities and the social sciences and creative writing to explore new routes of thinking, conversing, and writing the intergenerational, which do primarily, though inescapable to some extent, center the reproductive. Participants are invited to think of the life process as topic, as method, and as research production. Taken together, the workshop encourages participants to use a reckoning with the life-cycle and the intergenerational as structures to rethink writing and research being formed.

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Image courtesy of Denise Gill


Faculty Workshop Co-Chairs
Graduate Student Co-Chairs