Graphic of two dolls sitting across from each other at a table. One of the dolls is blowing bubble gum and the other is smoking a cigarette. The cigarette-smoking doll has a book laid on the table
Staying In: Mitski, Ocean Vuong, and Asian American Asociality

Lee examines examines the music, video, performances, and social media presence of singer-songwriter Mitski, and poet and writer Ocean Vuong, to consider how the act of staying in, rather than going (or coming) out, gives shape to Asian American asociality. Lee responds to the idea of “Asian American asociality” which speaks to how Asian Americans have been racially figured as a problem for and of sociality, as assimilated, yet socially isolated, unrelatable subjects.

Dmitri Golynko: Poetry and Prose
Dmitri Golynko discusses his personal interest in "applied social poetry," and shares selections of new poetry and prose. 
Aesthetics Contra “Identity” in Contemporary Poetry Studies
I do not at all see why we must make an either-or choice between reading Beckett or reading Aimé Césaire, between calling out and into question “cultural desires, drives, anxieties, or prejudices” or analyzing metonymy, chiasmus, sprung rhythm, lineation, anaphora, parataxis, trochees, and so forth.
Poetry and Sociality in a Global Frame
Khaled Furani’s Silencing the Sea (2012) and Michael Dowdy’s  Broken Souths (2013) bring a global perspective to post-1945 and contemporary traditions of Palestinian and Latina/o poetry.