Dmitri Golynko: Poetry and Prose
Dmitri Golynko discusses his personal interest in "applied social poetry," and shares selections of new poetry and prose. 
Vladivostok Calling
Last year I wrote a "best of 2009" post for Arcade.  This year I want to do something different.  I want to share someone else's list.  Part of it, anyway.
I Long Dared Not Speak
I've returned from Poland.  It will take me a while to process the amazing things I've seen, from the Baltic to the Black Madonna of Czestochowa.  For now, I thought I'd just rave a little bit more about Anna Akhmatova.
Hello Goodbye Hello
Here at the University of Washington, our over-long academic year is finally ending, and I am eager to be gone.  Quick as I can, I'll be at a spa near Poznań in Poland, first stop on a East European vacation.  I thought I'd post a poem about departures:  Anna Akhmatova's "Pesnia poslednei vstrechi" (Song of the Last Meeting).
I Am Not a Peasant
Kopna means stook or haycock. Skird means rick. I'm looking up words in my trusty Russian-English dictionary, and things remain clear as mud. Sometimes translation from one language to another is only a prelude to figuring out what a text says.
How Kind of You to Let Me Come
This week I'm far from the mountains, orcas, and raincoat-clad hipsters of the Pacific Northwest. To visit family, I've traveled to a Midwestern cornfield. I've brought along Ivan Turgenev's play Mesiats v derevne (A Month in the Country) (1850) to keep me company.