Multicolored hilltop landscape
Shakespeare's First Folio and Its Worlds

In a lecture that inaugurated the celebration of Shakespeare's First Folio at 400 at the School of Advanced Study in London, Roland Greene discusses the 1623 publication of the Folio as a landmark event that introduced a book of worlds.

Impressionism; Don Quixote on top of his horse
Shakespeare and Cervantes: The Cardenio Debate

Thomas Pavel examines the question of authorship for two plays, one from the 17th and the other from the 18th century, which directly relate to Cervantes' Don Quixote. Pavel's examination offers reflections on the connections between novellas and plays as well as how authors from the same historical period demonstrate divergent ideas on common subjects. This chapter has been slightly revised from its original publication by the author.

The Armored Body as Trophy: The Problem of the Roman Subject in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, and Coriolanus

The treatment of the military subject in Shakespeare’s Roman plays complicates early modern cultural understandings of the material aspects of militant nostalgia. Shakespeare inherits a partial and objectified Roman military figure linked to trophies and armor, and this figure negotiates the early modern English playgoer's relationship to his glorious, unattainable Roman past.

Possible worlds within possible worlds
It is one thing to take inspiration from another's work for one's own creative writing, but it is entirely another to complete a work first conceived and named in another's fiction. What to make of such fictions within fictions?  
The Insight of Ignorance: Shakespeare and Cervantes at 400
If Shakespeare’s greatest characters quake to their very core with the realization of what they cannot see, or lose their reason altogether when they finally grasp how little they understood, Cervantes crafted an entirely new way of writing around his characters’ limitations and the incompatibility of their different perceptions of the world.
The Other Problem with Anonymous

My Shakespeare class finally persuaded me to take a class trip to go see the new Roland Emmerich movie, Anonymous. I went forewarned.