If You Can't Say Unqualified, Say Ungrateful
Donald Trump did not invent the ungrateful black athlete stereotype, but he made it familiar. The stereotype recasts professionals at the top of their game as that black person who doesn’t know how to do their job. Maxine Waters. Frederica Wilson. La David Johnson. Barack Obama. “Ungrateful” is only the latest way to say that a black worker is unworthy because they are black.
Against Hate: Deconstructing Terror (III)
What is wrong with our current “administrative state” to deserve this new call for deconstruction? Deconstruction entered literary theory in the 1970s as a rigorous tool for self-critique. This, however, is not Bannon’s idea of deconstruction. 
Against Hate: The Muslim Ban as Unconstitutional Totalitarianism (II)
This is a time when we must heed the lessons of the Holocaust, revere the memories of Japanese-Americans, and venerate the integrity of the Judiciary. We must understand patriotism as the relentless defense of civil liberties and as an unyielding resistance to the normalization of discrimination, numbness, cynicism, and detachment.