Analyzing the staging and composition of archival photography of South Asian laborers in 19th-century Jamaica, Anna Arabindan-Kesson reflects upon the role of photography in evoking particular colonial narratives about indenture, the perception of Indian laborers’ assimilability, and Jamaica’s modernization.
Performance opens up an opportunity to explore gendered experiences of traumatic violations and survival.
A project of “critical prosody” should re-embed poetic form in the historical politics of meaning. It should show how meter meant different things to different communities in a longer metrical discourse.
Ekta Parishad: Discourse on Land and the Landless
There has been a big discussion about what is more effective during class struggle, Gandhian nonviolent strategy or going back to Leninist or Stalinist methods of violent uprising. The Indian movement of landless people Ekta Parishad has been around for the last 12 years.
Export Duties
A dark fable of global cultural circulation...
The opposite is also true
A year ago I was flying around India. It's fair to say it turned my head inside out the most it'd been since a trip to Japan about ten years earlier. It's hard to explain the culture shock such trips summon, which is why I found this video of Derek Sivers' 3-minute talk from TED India so welcome.