A variation of Auguste Rodin’s Minerva
Mythologies of Educational Mobility in Ferrante’s Quartet

Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan novels capture how Lenù’s existence, rather than challenging mythologies of meritocracy as it should, mistakenly reaffirms that meritocracy functions well and that education might be a great equalizer, despite literary and historical realities that suggest otherwise.

To lawyers, at least, the disciplines of the humanities and social sciences represent techniques for determining, representing, measuring, and summing desire. 
Critique, Neo-Kantianism, and Literary Study

Ross Knecht contends that critique is not solely and perhaps not even primarily negative in character: it also has an important synthetic function, uniting historical and interpretive modes of inquiry in such a way as to invest its objects of study with cultural and historical significance.

Who Cares?

What would it mean to look down the barrel of criticism’s bleakest destinies and say, “who cares?” Anahid Nersessian groups the comic indifference of “who cares?” with cognate terms and phrases from other critics, whose work might join Sheila Heti’s to build a vocabulary for confronting auguries of obsolescence on something other than their own terms.

On Not (Yet) Getting It

Sarah Tindal Kareem does not think that the English language possesses a good vocabulary for talking about the pleasures of readerly discomfort and difficulty: the feeling that one part of ourselves leaps ahead while another part lags behind. She finds that the reading experiences she most relishes are the ones in which agency is at once exercised and abdicated.

In this Dawn to be Alive: Versions of the “Postcritical,” 1999, 2015

Any genealogy of the postcritical undertaken in 2015 should map not just the personal experiences and dispositional idiosyncrasies that have led us to our current procedures as individual readers and thinkers. It should also plot those individual stories within a larger institutional narrative of critical activity in the American academy.

Post-critical Reading and the New Hegelianism

One doesn’t need a metaphysics of history to sense when a form of life with its attendant rituals, pieties, and practices has grown old. Theory’s reign in literature departments has long been past the point when its claims arrived with salutary shock in the profession.

Critique: The History of a Premise

Much has been made of the fact that “critique,” as practiced in literary criticism, is an attitude. But critique is also an argument. If there are so many problems with the assumption that literary form represents an imaginative solution to real contradictions, then why do so many people find it so compelling? Why do the problems seem both surmountable and worth surmounting?