José María asked: Do "fundamentalism" and "moderation" take on the same "connotations" (to use your word) when the "doctrinaire faithful" are seen as existing within a so-called "pre-political" realm (they are thus gathered as an "ecclesia" proper) as they do when the "state" makes its appearance as "the" overarching and all-encompassing form of community?
My latest book is Apocryphal Lorca (2009), a study of Lorca's influence on poetry of the US. My next will be Lorca and Modernity, a study that attempts to answer the question of what it means for Spanish literature that Federico García Lorca is the major modern poet in this particular tradition. There are several problems I have to sort out.
One way to fight an addiction is to try to substitute a second, healthier activity for the baleful one. Lately, during the evenings, to prevent myself from playing World of Warcraft, I have been translating Russian verse.