An abstract painting shows multiple, intersecting, circular shapes.
Response: Data and Danger

What do we make of the quantifying impulse in response to danger? What of the affective affordances of putting danger in the form of numbers or visualizations? How do divides in data literacy set up stark material divides when data represents life-threatening dangers? 

a painting shows a luminous galaxy
The Places and Uses of Data

Brault examines the promise of data as the opportunity to examine methods, to do something new and to vary methods, to scale claims and the type and amount of evidence presented to substantiate them, and to deepen and complicate arguments.

Image of two people standing next to a river and looking at a globe. There is water flowing out from the globe and into the river.
Community over Commercialization: Celebrating Open Access Week with Giovanna Ceserani

Giovanna Ceserani’s latest book, A World Made by Travel: The Digital Grand Tour, is an open-access, digital publication released in June 2024 by Stanford University Press. This digital publication transforms the foundational Dictionary of British and Irish Travellers in Italy, 1701–1800 (published by the Paul Mellon Centre and compiled from the Brinsley Ford Archive held at the PMC) into a rich, interactive interface. In celebration of Open Access Week, Ceserani writes about her motivation to publish her book in an open-access, digital format.