re: F@ck Work?
Universal Basic Income or a federal Job Guarantee? The discussion continues as to whether we should pursue a redistributive welfare system or a predistributive politics that reorganizes social provisioning.  
F@ck Work?
Those who think Universal Basic Income represents a progressive future ought to think twice about the laissez-faire assumptions behind such proposals. Perhaps the future should be one where work is not rendered obsolete but made a meaningful, inclusive, and collective endeavor.
"I Crave the Law"
In light of current events, Shakespeare helps us realize that only those already protected by the law can afford to show mercy.
Judging God
Teaching Milton this semester, I think I made a couple of connections that must be obvious, but that I'd never quite seen before (or maybe I had: these days I'm finding the obvious striking again, which I don't know whether that's a good or a bad thing).