
Welcome to Interventions, an experimental space where authors rehearse new ideas, reframe questions, or play unbridled within Arcade’s field of the humanities in the world. These short posts embrace the incomplete, the imperfect, and the indeterminate, but they may become much more: for example, the record of a thinker’s turn toward a new paradigm or the rough draft of a chapter in a new book. Rapid publication and immediate responses permit Interventions to foster conversation. The tone of the posts may range from personal to political, while maintaining a critical edge. 

Published regularly, Interventions are often freestanding contributions to Arcade, but some may join our feature called Colloquies. Inquiries and submissions are received by the editor of Interventions.


How to Watch "Get Out" Again
When watching the film "Get Out," what if white people and non-black people of color saw their responsibility as more than nodding knowingly at microaggressions or bits of cotton stuffing? What if they realized that "Get Out" can also be about what it feels like to be themselves in America?
If You Can't Say Unqualified, Say Ungrateful
Donald Trump did not invent the ungrateful black athlete stereotype, but he made it familiar. The stereotype recasts professionals at the top of their game as that black person who doesn’t know how to do their job. Maxine Waters. Frederica Wilson. La David Johnson. Barack Obama. “Ungrateful” is only the latest way to say that a black worker is unworthy because they are black.
re: F@ck Work?
Universal Basic Income or a federal Job Guarantee? The discussion continues as to whether we should pursue a redistributive welfare system or a predistributive politics that reorganizes social provisioning.  
F@ck Work?
Those who think Universal Basic Income represents a progressive future ought to think twice about the laissez-faire assumptions behind such proposals. Perhaps the future should be one where work is not rendered obsolete but made a meaningful, inclusive, and collective endeavor.