
Welcome to Interventions, an experimental space where authors rehearse new ideas, reframe questions, or play unbridled within Arcade’s field of the humanities in the world. These short posts embrace the incomplete, the imperfect, and the indeterminate, but they may become much more: for example, the record of a thinker’s turn toward a new paradigm or the rough draft of a chapter in a new book. Rapid publication and immediate responses permit Interventions to foster conversation. The tone of the posts may range from personal to political, while maintaining a critical edge. 

Published regularly, Interventions are often freestanding contributions to Arcade, but some may join our feature called Colloquies. Inquiries and submissions are received by the editor of Interventions.


Are You My Community?
“Community” is a popular word these days, due significantly to our community organizer in chief and his heavily publicized references to a wide range of communities from the international to the online.
Politics as Aesthetic Experience in the Chinese Revolution
In modern China aesthetic experience—emotional life, the appreciation and creation of art, and symbolic activity—has intermeshed with politics. But less well known is the way politics has been turned into aesthetic experience and on such a massive scale as to become a hallmark of political culture.
Living During Interesting Times
Today during coverage of Dubai's debt crisis I heard for the umpteenth time since the recession began a reporter mention "the old Chinese curse 'may you live in interesting times.'"  This is one of my pet peeves.  This "curse" isn't Chinese in origin, and it's not that old.