Fellowships for Stanford Graduate Students

The Stanford Humanities Center awards three highly selective fellowships for Stanford doctoral students in the humanities and the interpretive social sciences: the SHC Dissertation Prize fellowship; the Mellon Dissertation fellowship (in collaboration with the School of Humanities and Sciences); and the Next Generation Scholar fellowship.

For information about graduate fellowships awarded by the Center for Spatial & Textual Analysis (CESTA), please visit their page

Please note: the application deadline for all three fellowships will be the same day in early February. Graduate students may apply to the SHC Dissertation Prize/Mellon Dissertation fellowships or the Next Generation Scholar fellowship but not DP/Mellon and Next Generation Scholar in the same application cycle. 

The SHC Dissertation Prize fellowships and Mellon Foundation Dissertation fellowships are awarded to advanced graduate students who are completing their dissertations. SHC Dissertation Prize fellows are required to spend the academic year (fall/winter/spring quarters) taking part in the daily life of the Humanities Center. Mellon dissertation fellows are required to meet the campus residency expectations set by their dean/department. Applications for the 2025–2026 fellowship year are now open. Apply online.

For more information and to apply, please see the SHC Dissertation Prize fellowships and Mellon Foundation Dissertation fellowships application page.

The Next Generation Scholar Fellowship (formerly known as Career Launch) supports Stanford graduate students in year 7 or above whose work demonstrates accomplished work of the highest distinction and the promise of future achievement. These fellowships are intended to serve as a bridge between the end of the university’s formal support and the transition to a postdoctoral fellowship or faculty position. In addition to completing the dissertation, fellows pursue professional development part-time during one quarter (e.g., teach a course connected to the fellow’s research profile, develop skills in the digital humanities, engage closely with a public humanities initiative, or another endeavor of the fellow’s choosing).

Applications for the 2025–2026 fellowship year are now open. Apply online.

For more information and to apply, please see the Next Generation Scholar Fellowship application page.

Smith-Drelich, Hannah.jpeg

I was delighted by the tight-knit and collegial community that I found at the SHC. After spending so long at Stanford as a graduate student, these new-found connections came as something of a surprise to me.

Jeff and Sara Small Career Launch Fellow
Department of English, Stanford University
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