Humanities Center Fellows

The Humanities Center offers residential fellowships to Stanford and non-Stanford scholars at all career stages, giving them the opportunity to pursue their research in a lively and constructive intellectual community.

Humanities Center Fellows: 

Eduardo Acosta

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of History, Stanford University
A River of Ruined Capitals: History and Environmental Change in Early Modern Bengal

La Marr Jurelle Bruce

External Faculty Fellow
Department of American Studies, University of Maryland
The Afromantic: Black Love Out Yonder

Mike Chin

Marta Sutton Weeks External Fellow
Department of Classics, University of California, Davis
Diocletian: A Reckless Autobiography

Austin Clements

SHC Dissertation Prize Fellow
Department of History, Stanford University
Fear for a Lost God: Religion and the Transformation of the American Right, 1890–1950

Álvaro Contreras

Scholar Affiliate, March 2023 through February 2025
Institute for International Educational/Scholar Rescue Fund and the Department of Iberian and Latin American Cultures, Stanford University
Genealogías de la narrativa policial en América Latina (Genealogies of Police Narratives in Latin America)

Jon Cooper

SHC Dissertation Prize Fellow
Department of History, Stanford University
Dealing with Money: The Invention of Economics in England, 1544–1623

Armen Davoudian

Next Generation Scholar
Department of English, Stanford University
Elizabeth Bishop and Metanoia: How Poems Change Their Minds

Samia Errazzouki

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of History, Stanford University
The Saharan Passage: Sugar, Slavery, and Empire in the African Atlantic

Julien Fischer

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow
Program in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Stanford University
The Lure of Origins: Sexology and the Trans Autobiographical Mandate

Charlotte Fonrobert

Internal Faculty Fellow
Department of Religious Studies, Stanford University
Re-Placing the Nation: Jewish Diaspora and Neighborhood

Evyn Lê Espiritu Gandhi

External Faculty Fellow
Department of Asian American Studies, University of California, Los Angeles
Revisiting the Southern Question: South Korea, South Vietnam, and the U.S. South

Pheaross Graham

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Music, Stanford University
Visions of the Pianistic Self: Don Shirley, Rachmaninoff, and Music Performance Studies

Emily Greenfield

Next Generation Scholar
Department of History, Stanford University
“Carry Me Back to Old Virginia”: Slavery, Memory, and the Making of a National Shrine

Munir Gur

SHC Dissertation Prize Fellow
Department of Music, Stanford University
Sensory Reimaginings of Citizenship: Makam and Belonging across Contemporary Greece and Turkey

Sun Ha Hong

External Faculty Fellow
Department of Communications, Simon Fraser University
Predictions without Futures: Repetition and Stagnation in Dreams of Artificial Intelligence

Paul Johnston

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Classics, Stanford University
Roman Literature in Greek and Latin: Bilingualism, Empire and the Shaping of the Classical Canon

Josefine Klingspor

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Philosophy, Stanford University
Spinoza on Metaphysical Constitution

Mattea Koon

SHC Dissertation Prize Fellow
Department of English, Stanford University
Analogical: A Literary History of an Early Modern Idea

Indra Levy

Internal Faculty Fellow
Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Stanford University
Can the Meiji Man Laugh?

Ali Madani

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of English, Stanford University
Categorical Fictions: Literary History, Colonialism, and the Forms of Early Modern English

Mark McGurl

Violet Andrews Whittier Internal Fellow
Department of English, Stanford University
Word Magic: The Contemporaneity of Epic Fantasy

Richard Meyer

Donald Andrews Whittier Internal Fellow
Department of Art and Art History, Stanford University
Andy Warhol's Guide to Everyday Life

Erica Camisa Morale

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Stanford University
The Vanishing Dead Body and the Emerging Persona in Early Modern East Slavic Lyrics

Dana Murphy

External Faculty Fellow
Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences, California Institute of Technology
Foremother Love: Phillis Wheatley and Black Feminist Criticism

Bryan Norton

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of German Studies, Stanford University
Fragments of the Concrete: Ecology and Technical Media in German Romanticism

Kristin Oberiano

Distinguished Junior External Fellow
Department of History, Wesleyan University
War Stories, Typhoon Tales: An Ecological History of the Marianas Archipelago

Nilay Özök-Gündoğan

External Faculty Fellow
Department of History, Florida State University
Forging Empire: Mineral Extraction, State-Making, and the Colonization of Ottoman Kurdistan, 1720–1870

Joshua Phillips

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Linguistics, Stanford University
At the Intersection of Temporal + Modal interpretation (Essays on Irreality)

Barbara Pitkin

Internal Faculty Fellow
Department of Religious Studies, Stanford University
Sebastian Franck (1499–1542), the Bible, and Mysticism

Paul Ramírez

Marta Sutton Weeks External Fellow
Department of History, Northwestern University
Salt of the Santos: A History of Devoted Work

Isabel Salovaara

SHC Dissertation Prize Fellow
Department of Anthropology, Stanford University
Engendering the State: Aspiration, Government Jobs, and the Coaching Industry in Bihar, India

Brent Sockness

Internal Faculty Fellow
Department of Religious Studies, Stanford University
Ernst Troeltsch's Ethical Thought

Rupert Sparling

SHC Dissertation Prize Fellow
Department of Philosophy, Stanford University
The Varieties of Normativity in Plato

Chepchirchir Tirop

SHC Dissertation Prize Fellow
Department of History, Stanford University
Athletics and the Politics of State and Nation Building in Kenya, 1945–2016

Morgan Tufan

Next Generation Scholar
Department of History, Stanford University
Bordering the Kurds: Imperial Governance and Traditional Authority in Sixteenth-Century Kurdistan

César Valenzuela

SHC Dissertation Prize Fellow
Department of Philosophy, Stanford University
Climate Democracy: A Philosophical Framework

Joseph Wager

Next Generation Scholar
Department of Iberian and Latin American Cultures, Stanford University
Between the informe and the inconforme: Disappearance, Gender, and Law in Contemporary Latin American Cultural Production.